
Thank you for considering Twickenham School, we hope that you find this page informative and that you will be able to join us at one of our upcoming open events!

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“Our parents really valued the opportunity to speak to you and the feedback on the information they received from you has been excellent. I hope that this event, and other collaborative events, ensures that a continued stream of applications from our school come in your direction.” Mr Cotton, Assistant Headteacher, St. James's Catholic Primary School


Should you have a general enquiry about admissions, need to speak to use further about your child or simply wish to speak to the school directly, please contact our Admissions Officer, Mrs Zillah Smith on:

email: 0208 894 4503

Admission numbers

Twickenham School’s proposed admission number for 2023-24 is: 180 in Year 7.

Admissions to Year 7 for September 2023

Admissions for Year 7 are managed by the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, not by the school. Offers for September 2023 will be sent out by the Local Authority.

Applications from Richmond’s residents will be made on Richmond’s Common Application Form, which will be available in paper form and online.

Full details of this and late applications can be obtained from the School Admissions Department at Richmond Council and on their website

You will need to contact your home borough for guidance if you do not live in the London borough of Richmond-upon-Thames.

Waiting list

A waiting list for the school will be held by the Local Authority in criteria order (regardless of when an application is received) until the end of the academic year in July 2024. After this date the school waiting lists will be disbanded and parents will have to request in writing to have their child’s name added to a waiting list for the school.

In-year admissions

Admissions for the present Year 7 to 11 are coordinated by the School Admissions Departments at Richmond and Hounslow councils (see contact information above). Please see further our Admissions Policy.

Appeals process

If your child has been refused a place at your preferred secondary school, you may appeal the decision of the admissions authority. Your reasons for appealing will then be considered by an independent panel.

For information on how to appeal for a place for your child you will need to contact one of the following, depending on which borough you currently live in: 

Richmond Democratic Services

Hounslow Democratic services

Important dates and deadlines for appeals

Richmond: Further details can be found on the website, including:

  • the deadline for lodging secondary appeals;
  • the dates secondary appeals are scheduled to be heard between;
  • and application forms.

Hounslow: Further details can be found on the website, including: appeal form; guide; deadline for lodging appeals. Completed forms should be returned to

Oversubscription criteria for Year 7 at Twickenham School for 2022-23

  1. All children whose statement of special educational needs (SEN) or education, health and care plan (EHCP) names the school will be admitted before any other places are allocated. If the school is not oversubscribed, all applicants will be offered a place.
  2. In the event that the school receives more applications than the number of places it has available, places will be given to those children who meet any of the criteria set out below, in order until all places are filled.
  3. Places will be offered firstly to looked after children, i.e. children who are looked after by a public authority and are in public care, and previously looked after children who were adopted, or subject to a residence order or special guardianship order, immediately following having been looked after. Applications made under this criterion must be accompanied by details of circumstances and professionally supported evidence (e.g., from a social worker).
  4. Children who have an exceptional medical or social need requiring attendance at a particular school, rather than any other school. Such needs must be supported, at the time of application with written reasons from the parent or guardian together with written reports or letters from suitable professionals such as GPs, consultants or social workers confirming the exceptional medical or social need and making the connection between your child’s need and Twickenham School, clearly demonstrating why Twickenham School can meet your child’s needs in a way that no other school can..  Circumstances cannot be taken into account unless information is provided at the time of application. Failure to provide such information at that stage may therefore affect whether or not the children are allocated places at the preferred schools.  All information submitted will be regarded as confidential.
  5. Children who have siblings (by which is meant full, step, half and adopted siblings living in the same household) at the school at the point of admission.
  6. Children (by which is meant step, half and adopted children living in the same household) of staff directly employed by Twickenham School in either of the following circumstances: (a) The member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, or (b) The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
  7. Children living closest to the preferred school, measured by the shortest route by road or maintained footpath from the ordnance Survey grid reference point within the property, out of the front entrance into and following the middle of the road and footpath, to the nearest pedestrian school gate used by the relevant year-group. Accessibility of private or public transport will not be considered. All distances will be measured using a computerised geographical information system

Tie break

If there are more applicants within each criterion, distance from home to school will be used as a tie-breaker and will be measured using the computerised geographical information system. For applicants from the same block of flats, or who live the same distance from the school, random selection by the drawing of lots is used as a final tie-breaker.


  • Any offer of a place on the grounds of distance is conditional on the child living at the address provided at the closing date for application. A business address, a childminder's address, or any address including a family member's address other than the child’s permanent home will not be accepted.  Proof of address will be sought if there is doubt about the validity of the address given and it may be the subject of further investigation. Temporary addresses will not be used for the purpose of administering applications.
  • Paths through car parks, cemeteries, golf courses and other enclosed spaces will not be used.
  • These criteria will apply to all applicants, regardless of the borough in which they live.
  • Late applications will not be processed until after all on-time applications.

Please note all admissions arrangements documents can be found within the Key Information section of this website.

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