
Twickenham School is committed to offering an exceptionally high quality careers programme to support all our students in achieving their aspirations. Teachers will often reference the world of work and illuminate how their taught subject links with careers within their lessons however a summary of our careers journey is detailed below:

Years 7 & 8

Students in Years 7 & 8 are introduced to the world of work through a range of tutor time activities and PDC lessons that inspire and excite students to build aspirations and ambitions for their adult lives.  There will opportunities for visits from outside speakers, including specialists from the Innervate Careers team. Students will be encouraged to see a connection between hard work and having a positive attitude to learning with their success in achieving their own goals.

Year 9

As a critical decision-making year, students are supported throughout to make well informed and guided choices about their studies through to GCSE.  A range of careers and subject specific talks in PDC lessons and assemblies help students to understand the subjects they will need to study to go on to the next steps in their own development and career aspirations.  We will make available a variety of software tools to help students to build up their knowledge of a range of careers pathways they could take. They will be able to find out about post-16 study at college or another school and compare this with the wide range of apprenticeships and training programmes on offer locally.  Additional careers advice will be available for students who would like extra support.

Years 10 & 11

Students preparing for their exams also face challenging decisions about their next steps post-16. There are an ever-growing number of qualifications and courses available: we will support students and their families to understand the choices that are available and to make appropriate decisions. As well as a tutorial programme, careers fairs, visiting speakers, guidance, trips and activities, students will have a planned 1-1 careers meeting with a specialist from Innervate careers in Year 10 and in Year 11 with personalised advice and next steps for every student.  


We use the Careers and Enterprise Company’s Compass tool to evaluate how our careers programme performs against the Gatsby Benchmarks. In addition, pupils, parents, staff and external partners are regularly asked for feedback on careers activities and events via questionnaires, surveys and our Pupil Voice forum. This feedback is then used to inform future planning and develop the programme.

Statutory Guidance and the Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges. The DfE Careers Strategy is built around them, and they are used to structure the careers programme here at Twickenham School.

Why are the Gatsby Benchmarks important?

The Gatsby Benchmarks have a key role in:

  • Raising young people’s aspirations and promoting access to all career pathways
  • Enabling all young people to develop the skills and outlook they need to achieve career wellbeing, including adaptability and resilience
  • Underpinning the Department for Education guidance to schools on meeting their statutory responsibility for careers guidance.            

Gatsby Benchmark 4. Linking curriculum to careers

  • Subject teachers are highly influential – students are 18 times* more likely to be motivated to learn if their teachers know their hopes and dreams
  • Students feel more engaged in their learning when they perceive the relevance of what they are studying to their own and other people’s lives
  • Students are given the opportunity to develop their career thinking and to acquire important career management and employability skills
  • Students become more aspirational, understanding that perceived barriers can be overcome and that there  are numerous pathways to success


Who to contact about our careers offering:

If you would like to contact our representative at Innervate Careers please email or alternatively Ms Martin, Senior Careers Leader at for further information and advice.

Twickenham School has appointed a lead governor to take a particular strategic interest in careers education and guidance and the development of partnerships: Ms Claire Little.

Further information for Parents/Carers

We understand how difficult it can be to navigate through the large amount of information concerning careers.  

Choices available to your child are likely to be very different from those you had at school. However, parental guidance significantly influences decisions made by our students, so it is imperative you have access to current information. 

Websites for careers information and advice specifically for parents:





Information for Employers

Are you able to offer advice, work experience or support?

At Twickenham School we are keen to give all our students an opportunity to forge connections with employers.  Our students are looking to broaden their horizons, obtain as much experience as possible and equip themselves for their future careers. The engagement and support of our local community is invaluable in helping us to build a rich network of contacts. If you would like to be added to our database of contacts to hear about events you might be able to contribute to such as speed networking, mock interviews, workshops and work experience, please complete this form TS Careers Programme

Resources for Teachers

Here you will find information on statutory guidance as well as links to useful resources concerning careers-related learning.


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Innervate Summer Term Newsletter 2022 22nd Jun 2022 Download


- Jul 24
🎭 Throwback to our amazing performance opportunities this year! Drama and performing are what we love to do. We can't wait to see what we accomplish next year in terms of our productions and being able to see incredible pieces of theatre in London! #Twickenham #Richmond— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 24, 2024
- Jul 22
Sports Day showcased incredible skills and the wonderful community at Twickenham School! A student even shared their excitement over a @LidlGB bag! Thank you to @YourStMarys!#TwickenhamSchool #AspireAchieveEnjoy #Twickenham #Whitton #Hounslow #Feltham #Richmond— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 22, 2024
- Jul 18
⚽ "Congratulations to Lola, who played for @WokingFC in the Ladies SV Venray Cup in The Netherlands. Her team won and Lola scord many goals! She's also played in France, Belgium, and The Netherlands for Brentford and has been invited for an England team trial!" ~ Ms Goodwin— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 18, 2024
- Jul 17
🏐"Spike Ball has been a popular club this term, particularly with the Year 9 boys who represented the school proudly at the London Schools Competition!" ~ Mr Hayes #Teddington #TeddingtonSchool #ExcellentEducation #GlobalCitizens #HealthyLearners #FutureReady— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 17, 2024
- Jul 17
🏆 "Congratulations to Attenborough House who won this year's Sports Day! A great achievement! Well done to all who took part—it was great to see so much hard work and sportsmanship from everyone." ~ Mr. Hayes #Twickenham #Whitton #Hounslow #Richmond— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 17, 2024
- Jul 16
🌟 "Year 7 Heathfield alumni were invited to watch the Year 6 Aladdin production today. They loved being back at their primary school and enjoyed an incredible performance. We can't wait to welcome them in September! Well done, you were all superstars!" ~ Mr Bangari— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 16, 2024
- Jul 16
💫 It was an absolute delight to welcome Year 5 students from Chatsworth Primary School! You were all amazing, and it's wonderful to see that so many of you had a great time as well! @chatsworthpri #AspireAchieveEnjoy #Twickenham #Whitton #Hounslow #Feltham #Richmond— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 16, 2024
- Jul 15
🏅 "Well done to everyone for a fantastic ‘Novelty Games’ at Twickenham School's Sports Day! Great team spirit and contributions from all. Shout out to Gateway students for winning medals. Highlights included egg & spoon, obstacle race, and Year 9 & 10 races!" ~ Ms Cuttin— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 15, 2024
- Jul 14
💙 Year 9 students had a great day at Heatham House in Twickenham as part of Achieving for Children's 'Beautiful Minds' event. They got creative making their own positivity hearts and had a go on the excellent tree climbing wall. @heathhamhouseafc#TwickenhamSchool— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 14, 2024
- Jul 14
🏫 Ten Year 9 Master Learner students visited Orleans Park School for the Richmond SACRE Faith Direct Event. Guided by Mr Mitchell and Mr Tabron, they asked insightful questions about rites of passage, animals as food, abortion, and euthanasia!— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 14, 2024
- Jul 13
🗣️ "The Year 9 Learn to Earn program was a success! Students explored careers, financial planning, and personal skills through activities like job interviews and budgeting, gaining confidence for their future.." ~ Ms Riordan #Twickenham #Whitton #Hounslow #Feltham #Richmond— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 13, 2024
- Jul 13
"50 Year 10s visited Teddington School to attend A-level lessons. Students chose from 3 mini lessons, including subjects like Politics and Psychology that are not studied at GCSE, as well as some BTECs! They also enjoyed relaxing in the sixth form block cafe." ~ Ms Martin— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 13, 2024
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