Curriculum overview

Curriculum Overview

Our Curriculum supports our motto: Aspire, Achieve, Enjoy. A culture of high expectations for all which cultivates a love of learning and ambition for success. We create and empower successful lifelong learners who believe they can achieve, whilst building their cultural capital; inspiring and enabling them to make a lasting and positive contribution to future societies worldwide.


KS 4 Revision guides and workbook information 

The Curriculum Intent has been developed based on educational research to ensure the composite end points are broken down into small components. The meticulous sequencing of every component builds appropriately on what has been learned before including in Key Stage 2. This is crucial so students are able to develop long term learning. This is constantly reviewed to meet the needs of every learner.

Our curriculum is implemented so students are supported and encouraged to grow in confidence and self-belief through Quality First teaching based on Rosenshine`s Principles of Instruction. If students are to become leaders of their own learning they must keep an open mind, enjoy hard work, and be curious about the world in which they live. Students will be stretched in their lessons to take risks, take on new challenges and develop creativity. They will achieve their aspirations through high standards of teaching, deep learning and leadership. 

Our Master Learner Programme aims to inspire student ambition through the curriculum, inside and outside of the classroom and guide their transition to further study. Our highly skilled and knowledgeable staff provide enrichment experiences and opportunities to ensure students thrive. High challenge, personalised support coupled with an ambitious supra curriculum for the highest achievers ensures personal growth and accelerated learning. Opportunities include A Level Maths tutoring with Hampton Boys, The Brilliant Club Scholars’ Programme, Author masterclasses, Academic scholarships.

Strategic Intent

To develop a curriculum which:

  • Is expertly designed and sequenced which will enable students to embrace opportunities beyond the curriculum to develop their love of learning
  • Provides a rigorous academic curriculum that is challenging, accessible and all students will make accelerated progress
  • Is differentiated with different pathways for specific groups of students eg. disadvantaged, most vulnerable and most able.
  • Is underpinned by our belief in the limitless potential of every student
  • Empowers students to value their education.
  • Embodies high expectations and challenge in order to build resilience and confidence so they are ready to contribute to a rapidly changing society
  • Maintains the highest standards of numeracy and literacy across the curriculum
  • Supports student’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development & promotes the fundamental British Values
  • Provides an aspirational culture with personal careers guidance to enable students to make ambitious post-16 choices.

Curriculum Implementation

  • Curriculum training is at the heart of the Continued Professional Development programme
  • The implementation of our challenging curriculum is centred around Rosenshine`s Principles of Instruction which is used to support Quality First Teaching
  • Information is embedded into long term memory through a variety of retrieval practice activities including regular low stakes testing, the opportunity to revisit and build upon prior learning, and carefully sequenced activities using principles of interweaving, interleaving and mixed practice.
  • Curriculum leaders are experts in their subject areas and work together so strong links are formed cross – curricular throughout the school
  • Ensure that assessment points are well planned with a high priority on low stakes testing.
  • Cold Calling and Deep Questioning are key features in lessons
  • Extra-Curricular opportunities are at the heart of the curriculum.

Curriculum Impact

  • The curriculum is at the heart of all staff training to ensure the best outcomes for all groups of students
  • Enjoyment of the expertly planned curriculum will promote achievement, confidence and outstanding behaviour for learning
  • Our curriculum will enable students to become good citizens and demonstrate an appreciation for each other, the school community and the world.
  • The wider enrichment and extra-curricular programme will have supported the development of every student, giving them the cultural capital to be successful in the next stage of their education and career development
  • Subject leaders make intelligent use of assessment to inform curriculum design
  • Aspirations will have been raised so every student leaves Twickenham School knowing that they can be successful in whatever they want to achieve in life
  • The curriculum delivery has improved reading, writing and numeracy.

For further information about the curriculum at Twickenham School, please contact Mrs Bromly: 


Curriculum Documents Date  
Autumn Master Learner Calendar 2023 19th Oct 2023 Download
Spring Master Learner Calendar 2024 29th Jan 2024 Download


- Jul 24
🎭 Throwback to our amazing performance opportunities this year! Drama and performing are what we love to do. We can't wait to see what we accomplish next year in terms of our productions and being able to see incredible pieces of theatre in London! #Twickenham #Richmond— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 24, 2024
- Jul 22
Sports Day showcased incredible skills and the wonderful community at Twickenham School! A student even shared their excitement over a @LidlGB bag! Thank you to @YourStMarys!#TwickenhamSchool #AspireAchieveEnjoy #Twickenham #Whitton #Hounslow #Feltham #Richmond— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 22, 2024
- Jul 18
⚽ "Congratulations to Lola, who played for @WokingFC in the Ladies SV Venray Cup in The Netherlands. Her team won and Lola scord many goals! She's also played in France, Belgium, and The Netherlands for Brentford and has been invited for an England team trial!" ~ Ms Goodwin— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 18, 2024
- Jul 17
🏐"Spike Ball has been a popular club this term, particularly with the Year 9 boys who represented the school proudly at the London Schools Competition!" ~ Mr Hayes #Teddington #TeddingtonSchool #ExcellentEducation #GlobalCitizens #HealthyLearners #FutureReady— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 17, 2024
- Jul 17
🏆 "Congratulations to Attenborough House who won this year's Sports Day! A great achievement! Well done to all who took part—it was great to see so much hard work and sportsmanship from everyone." ~ Mr. Hayes #Twickenham #Whitton #Hounslow #Richmond— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 17, 2024
- Jul 16
🌟 "Year 7 Heathfield alumni were invited to watch the Year 6 Aladdin production today. They loved being back at their primary school and enjoyed an incredible performance. We can't wait to welcome them in September! Well done, you were all superstars!" ~ Mr Bangari— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 16, 2024
- Jul 16
💫 It was an absolute delight to welcome Year 5 students from Chatsworth Primary School! You were all amazing, and it's wonderful to see that so many of you had a great time as well! @chatsworthpri #AspireAchieveEnjoy #Twickenham #Whitton #Hounslow #Feltham #Richmond— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 16, 2024
- Jul 15
🏅 "Well done to everyone for a fantastic ‘Novelty Games’ at Twickenham School's Sports Day! Great team spirit and contributions from all. Shout out to Gateway students for winning medals. Highlights included egg & spoon, obstacle race, and Year 9 & 10 races!" ~ Ms Cuttin— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 15, 2024
- Jul 14
💙 Year 9 students had a great day at Heatham House in Twickenham as part of Achieving for Children's 'Beautiful Minds' event. They got creative making their own positivity hearts and had a go on the excellent tree climbing wall. @heathhamhouseafc#TwickenhamSchool— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 14, 2024
- Jul 14
🏫 Ten Year 9 Master Learner students visited Orleans Park School for the Richmond SACRE Faith Direct Event. Guided by Mr Mitchell and Mr Tabron, they asked insightful questions about rites of passage, animals as food, abortion, and euthanasia!— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 14, 2024
- Jul 13
🗣️ "The Year 9 Learn to Earn program was a success! Students explored careers, financial planning, and personal skills through activities like job interviews and budgeting, gaining confidence for their future.." ~ Ms Riordan #Twickenham #Whitton #Hounslow #Feltham #Richmond— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 13, 2024
- Jul 13
"50 Year 10s visited Teddington School to attend A-level lessons. Students chose from 3 mini lessons, including subjects like Politics and Psychology that are not studied at GCSE, as well as some BTECs! They also enjoyed relaxing in the sixth form block cafe." ~ Ms Martin— Twickenham School (@Twickenhamsch) July 13, 2024
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